.. title: Support and Contact .. slug: contact .. date: 1970-01-01 15:00:00 .. description: Get help using Nikola, or contact us. .. author: The Nikola Team :Version: 8.3.1 .. class:: alert alert-primary float-md-right .. contents:: Help and Support ================ 1. A `mailing list`_, nikola-discuss on Google Groups exists. 2. There’s an IRC channel: #nikola on Libera.Chat. You can find many developers and volunteers (users) there which are there to provide help, if they are around and read your message. The channels are `publicly logged `_. 3. You can also contact `@GetNikola `_ on Twitter. 4. If you are experiencing a bug, you should report it on GitHub (see below). Plugins and Themes ------------------ Plugins and Themes from the Indexes are not officially supported. 1. Ask the `mailing list`_, which may or may not work out. 2. You can also try the IRC channel if the theme/plugin is very popular. 3. Report an issue at the `plugins issue tracker`_ or at the `themes issue tracker`_. 4. Contact the author of the plugin/theme. The name of the author of a plugin is available in the ``.plugin`` and ``.py`` files. Tracking down theme authors can be much harder due to how our architecture works (but certainly is doable). Report a Bug, Request a Feature =============================== Bug reports should be sent to the `Issue tracker`_ at GitHub. Feature requests should be sent to the `Issue tracker`_ or to the `mailing list`_, especially if they require further discussion. Administrativia =============== If you are in need of getting administrativia resolved, you may want to e-mail info@getnikola.com and therefore contact the people behind the project. Note that this email **may not** be used for support matters. Messages are forwarded to all three administrators, the names and personal addresses (if you need to contact them personally) of you can find below. Administrators -------------- .. class:: table table-bordered +----------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------+ | Name | GitHub Nickname | Location | E-mail | +======================+=================+===========+=======================+ | Roberto Alsina | ralsina | Argentina | roberto@getnikola.com | +----------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------+ | Damián Avila | damianavila | Argentina | damian@getnikola.com | +----------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------+ | Daniel Aleksandersen | Aeyoun | Norway | daniel@getnikola.com | +----------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------+ | Chris Warrick | Kwpolska | Poland | chris@getnikola.com | +----------------------+-----------------+-----------+-----------------------+ .. _mailing list: https://groups.google.com/group/nikola-discuss .. _Issue tracker: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola/issues .. _plugins issue tracker: https://github.com/getnikola/plugins/issues .. _themes issue tracker: https://github.com/getnikola/nikola-themes/issues